MAX7219 CWG 8-Digit Digital Tube Display Control Module


you can access any IO ports, you can modify the port defined in the program

function WAOrder() { var phone = '923357015152', wa_message = '', button_url = '', target = '_blank'; } .wa-order-button, .wa-order-button .wa-order-class { display: none !important; } document.getElementById('gdprChkbx').addEventListener('click', function (e) { var buttons = document.querySelectorAll('.gdpr_wa_button_input'); buttons.forEach(function(button) { button.disabled = !; }); });
SKU: CT00134 Category:

MAX7219 CWG 8-Digit Digital Tube Display Control Module


1. In program provides an example, you can access any IO ports, you can modify the port defined in the program.
2. VCC ? 5VGND ? GNDDIN ? P00CS ? P01CLK ? P02


1. VCC and GND Do not reversed,
2. it would burn chip2. 51 MCU P0 port need pull-up resistor.
3. If your device does not have pull-up resistor can be connected to other ports data lines.


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